Stillness Infant School has held the Healthy Schools London (HSL) bronze award since November 2015.
Healthy Schools London (HSL) is an Awards Programme that supports London’s schools to provide an environment and culture that helps their pupils grow up to be healthy, happy and wanting to learn by improving both their physical and mental health. It is sponsored by the Mayor of London and is delivered by the Greater London Authority.
Taking part in HSL enables schools to directly support the health and wellbeing of their pupils and staff by providing a valued mechanism that encourages health improvement commitments at a school level. At the bronze award level, the framework of four main strands – healthy eating, physical activity, personal social health and economic education (PSHEE) and emotional wellbeing and mental health – help to review the school’s practice in promoting these areas as well as highlighting areas for further consideration and development. Within these four strands, many areas are covered including school policies, teaching and learning within the curriculum, the school’s ethos and culture as well as lunchtime and before/after school care offer. Provision of support services for pupils, together with staff wellbeing and their professional development, working together with parents, carers, outside agencies and volunteers are all included under the review document.
The benefits that Stillness Infant School has found by taking part in the HSL programme include increasing opportunities in physical activity for pupils such as the inclusion of the Daily Mile and increasing our PE offer, improving links with school meal providers and increased school meal uptake including free school meals, having a designated school learning mentor, adding Mindfullness into the school day and as a general school improvement tool.
Healthy Schools London Award Programme is used to support our Eco Schools award and our TfL STARS school travel plan. Ofsted will also view our HSL status to find out a more in depth look of the work and support we offer for the continued good health and wellbeing for our pupils and staff. The HSL head office team are in the process of mapping the HSL programme to the new Ofsted Inspection Framework (May 2019) to demonstrate the HSL ‘fit’ to the Ofsted Inspection Framework.
Our current Healthy Schools London bronze award was renewed in November 2022 and is valid for three years until November 2025.