Our Governors

The Governing Body consists of parents, staff, local community representatives and local authority appointees.

Governors make many important decisions about the school, including setting the budget each year and monitoring all areas of school life.

Governors are also responsible for the appointment of the headteacher.

Governors meet at least once every term as a body and also termly in their committees. We have 2 main committees: the Finance and General Purposes Committee looks at all issues relating to finances, premises, personnel and health and safety; the Teaching and Learning Committee looks at all issues relating to achievement and standards as well as the curriculum. The committees report back on a termly basis to the full Governing Body.

Minutes of all meetings are available for public inspection.

Our governors are very involved in the life of the school. They regularly visit the school to monitor aspects of the school such as health and safety, school improvement priorities or the impact of new initiatives.

Parent governors are sometimes around at the start and end of days on the playground. If you wish to contact a governor, details are available from the school office.

Governing Body Structure

Governors’ Details

Governors Register Of Interest

Meet Our Governors

School Address

Stillness Infant School
Brockley Rise
London SE23 1NH

020 8690 1208